LOFI Control – aplikacja iOS/Android

LOFI CONTROL is an app that lets you control your Arduino based robot with an iOS or Android smartphone or tablet over bluetooth 4.0 (LE) or bluetooth 2.0.

1. Upload LOFI Robot firmware to your Arduino board.
2. Turn on bluetooth on your device and pair it with bluetooth 2.0 module (HC-06, HC-05 or similar), if you are using bluetooth 4.0 (HM-10, HM-11) pairing is not necessary.
3. If your device has Android 6.0 or higher and you use bluetooth 4.0 turn on GPS location.
4. Start the app and choose bluetooth version: 2.0 or 4.0
5. Click on bluetooth icon in the upper right corner and choose your robot from the list.
6. Click on the LOFI ROBT logo to choose operation mode: gamepad, accelerometer or microphone.

You can find instructions how to build DIY version of Lofi Robot HERE

Arduino Leonardo code


Arduino UNO firmware

Compatible devices

– iPhone 4S and newer
– iPad 3 and newer
– Android 4.3 and higher

Programming and design – MACIEJ WOJNICKI